Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Boxing Day Surf

Happy Christmas everyone!

I Finally have a waveski of my own now, Louise bought the old Raider that I've been borrowing recently. So I decided to take it for another spin as it's rightful owner!
With the wind looking like a southerly to south-westerly I thought I'd make the extra little drive and head to Harlyn. I found the usual Harlyn fare, waves jacking up quickly, and then fast racing hollow walls, and lightening quick closeouts. It took a little while to get dialed into the waves, with fast hollow walls and so many closeouts there was little room to manoeuvre, quite literally! It was a case of drop in, charge along the wall, and either try and get up and out, or ride the whitewater, if you were lucky you could make a cut back, or a bit of a slash. Or if your me, you could fluke a 360 high on a wall that was about to close out!

Driving along a wall

Making a cut back, just a shame I missed the whitewater!

A view along the line up from the Go-Pro camera

Charging under a surfer into another hollow wall

Punching through a lip to avoid a close out

Making another cut back, this time higher, faster and hitting the whitewater!

Charging up off the bottom towards another beckoning lip

1 comment:

Ewart said...

Totally sweet! your really getting the hang of the darkside!

Reckon you coud show Roger a thing or two now! infact i think you should have a comp!