Sunday, January 21, 2007

More Dart action!

Well we had hoped to go for a paddle somewhere different, but commitments in the morning led to a late start. So it was back to the Dart Loop again!
The level was great, covering most of the slab at Newbridge. So Andy, Louise and I got on for a quick bit of Loop action. Andy and I went for kayaks, as usual! but Louise decided to go Solo in her Open Boat, a first for her on the Loop.

Andy, showing his Old Skool cool!
Louise managed to nail every Rapid, and every line. That was until Triple Two nailed her! She got caught by the river right eddy line and took a quick dip. Mean while Andy and I got stuck into the play wave, and Louise caught a few pictures of us.

Me, lining up for a big Blunt.

Andy and I had great fun on the wave. Even if Andy did Grumble about his 'on loan' boat. His trusty Orbit Fish was stuck at the shop for some repairs, so he had to make do with a Draggo-rossi thruster. Let's just say it was OK but Andy won't be buying one!

Yet another right hand blunt on the shoulder

After a quick play, and a chance for Louise to drip dry, we headed on down the River. It was all fine until Spin dryer, I threw a wave wheel, but got in Louise's way, forcing her to take another swim. Oops! And that was that. Another great Loop trip!

Cross deck grab, and tongue, surely a freestyle winning move!

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