Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day Two: the River Walkham

We Paddled the Lower Walkham about a month ago and enjoyed it so much that we were keen to go and give it another go with a bit more water. Well we got the chance today. The overnight rain wasn't quite as heavy, and stopped earlier than we'd expected, meaning most Dartmoor rivers were paddleable, but already lower than we'd expected. However there was still a couple of inches more water than last time.

Clear skies, sunshine and water, perfection

We paddle the river with Ewart, Jemma and Andy. It was nice to have a little group of us on the river, and we had a great run down the Walkham. The Sun was shinning and the skies were clear, which was a great contrast to the low cloud and snow we'd encountered on the moor on the drive to the river!

Andy wins the pull a silly face contest!

The Extra couple of inches of water meant that where last time we'd hit the odd rock here and there, this time we floated through barely hitting any rocks. There was quite a few more inches of water in the Tavy when we got that far, but that just made the waves bigger and the rapids better!

Andy drops into the slot

The Surf wave just before the take out provided the usual vast amount of fun. Incredible considering how small a wave it really is!

Ewart boofs into the slot

Andy, enjoying endless surfing in a Pyranhe Z:one

Jemma and Louise chill while Ewart and Andy play

Synchronised shudder rudders from Ewart and Andy, stylish!

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