Sunday, November 25, 2007

More fishing!

Another weekend with no water in the rivers, or surf at the beaches, and I can't find the enthusiasm for solo biking at the moment, so it was kayak fishing again. Having had a great time at Meadfoot beach last time, I thought I'd give it another go.
It was also a chance to try out some more tackle that I'd been given by my father in law, cheers Vic! So now with two rods and reels, I thought I'd try and get two lures in the water at once whilst trolling. However this turned into a complete mess with masses of line in a big knot. So I went back to just having one on the go at a time.
My only catch comes to the boat
The weather was far nicer this time than last time, with the sun blazing and no rain. After sorting out my line tangles things went much smoother, but I did manage to hook a plastic bag aswell as some seaweed.

All set up and ready to go

Eventually I managed to catch a fish, and it gave me a really good fight, I was quite surprised when I got it to the boat that it wasn't as big as I had expected. It turned out to be a 2Lb Sea Bass.

A strangely distorted shot of the boat all rigged up.

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