Sunday, December 03, 2006

Another lunch break on the Dart

I was working at the Dart shop again this Sunday. So with our "special" lunch break, designed with just enough time for a paddle. I set out for a quick run on the loop. There was plenty of water after Saturday nights storm. There was also plenty of trees about. One tree had fallen across the road just before Newbridge, blocking the road completly. Meaning a huge de-tour just to get to Newbridge! However our efforts were rewarded. The River had been huge, but was dropping off. But there was still plenty of water for us. Some people went for a run down the Upper Dart. I went for a paddle down the Loop, so that I could get out at the shop and go back to work.

The sun shone, and a small group of us enjoyed the best the river had to offer. The Top Wave small-ish but still very rip-able.

James Hawker (in Orange G-Force) once again showed his surf skills, with some great slashing cut backs, blunts and flip turns.

Dan Westaway, having finally found a boat that fits him, was loving being out on the river and ripping!
Jemma and I bobbed down to Triple drop, where we found the play wave quite big, and not a little cheeky! We both gave it a go, and we both got a bit of a beating in-between some great surfing action. As ever Nick East showed us how to do it, launching big blunts in both directions.

And then it was on down to RDCP, and back to work. Oh well!!

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