Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The more the shore

Well, the back-yard shore trails are growing and growing! After the success of our wall ride trail there has been an explosion of activity and building. There have been a few days of building and BBQ-ing! polishing up our existing trail and adding a few extras. I finally managed to get up there with my camera again and capture some more of the action.
Rob and Tom K have been thinking of building a BIG Huck line, and have added a big kicker that should fire you over the wall ride, but it's then a long way down! and they now need to build a REALLY BIG down slope!
Me on the wall ride again

The big huck over the wall ride

The ladder drop takes shape, time for some digging!

I wanted to add a nice ladder drop, so I knocked up a ladder out of a few bits of wood, chose a spot and put it in. Then I realised that it was a long way down too! So I had to go back later and add a down slope. With all hands on deck on Monday, and lots of mud shovelling we finally managed to get a down slope built.

Rob tweaks the ladder gap

Me, on the ladder gap
It turns out to be an absolute gem of a drop. Easy to ride, and a super smooth landing. Rob And Tom K had lots of fun hitting it up, and seeing how tweaked they could get it, or how long they could jump!
Then it was time for some more BBQ action. With the weather being as warm as it has been recently almost every trip to the trails has been accompanied by a BBQ. Brilliant!!

BBQ, Brilliant!

Rob, styling the ladder

Me, ready for a smooth landing on the ladder drop

Tom K showing his skills on the ladder

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