Sunday, December 06, 2009

Gene17 APWE 2009

This weekend saw the annual Simon Westgarth Gene17 Adventure Paddlers Weekend. Saturday night saw three Presentations, Below and Beyond Machu Picchu, the B.U.K.E Kayak-Nam, and Olaf 'Big-O' Obsommer. The Presentations were then followed by the usual Raffle and prize give-away. Then to wrap the night up the dance floor was cleared, the lights were switched off, and the tunes were turned up to 11! The mighty Cheese opened things up with a blistering set, before DJ Redbelly got down, dirty and ravy with it!

Check out the pictures...

Above and beyond Machu Picchu


Big O

Dave Carrol gives some free prizes away

The raffle gets underway

Cheesey provides some blistering tunes

DJ Redbelly gets the rave on

Simon Westgarth

The Party gets going

The party in full swing

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