Another night at the mafia trails, more racing the dual track, but generally a really laid back jam. People were hitting all the lines, some people going big on Daddy Bear, some of us hitting up Mummy Bear for the first time, others just rolling through the trails trying to get a feel for it all, and everyone enjoying more BBQ action! Spring has definitely sprung for us, roll on the summer and even lighter nights.
Sending Mummy bear for the first time is a great feeling
Whipping up daddy bear is where its at for others
Ewart, clean lines on Mummy bear
Adam, big lines on Daddy bear
Ollie, insane lines all over!
The Dual track berms were riding really well
Tom K on his super-light 'Mega Rig'
The bike shed lads were loving the dual course
Kicking up the dirt in the setting sun
Adam whipping the table
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