No no no, not that sort of slag! An industrial slag heap, made of old cinder, slag and crushed rock next to an old mine working, out on the moor.
That's where Ewart and I went for a bit of biking today.
There were a couple of flat levels, with a some jumps and some steep slopes that dropped down the side of the hill. The jumps were small and not that great, but we had a lot of fun carving lines down the steep, loose, slag.
We got a bit carried away trying to see how much grit we could spray into the air, but it was a great laugh charging at a loose bank, laying the bike over and trying to carve as tight a turn as possible!
Carving out a line on the biggest, steepest and longest slope
About to change direction, this was a bit daunting at first, but it's actually not hard at all.
Direction changed, let the brakes off and go!!!
Ewart letting the back drift out and throwing some dirt!
Ewart, cresting the skyline and about to drop in
Ewart kicking up some dirt on a smaller bank
Skids are for kids......right?
Foot planted, both wheels drifting, about to fall off!
Ewart silhouetted, dirt flying
Ewart laying it over
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