O, the good old Mafia Trails, it was great to be back up there again today. Hopefully with the clocks changing next week, we'll be up there more often after work in the evenings. I can't wait for it!
Rob H working out a new, fast, line into the tabletop
Ewart, checks out the line
Tom KP boosts one over the table
Rob H gets whippy with it!
Todays mission was build and biking. We set about finishing off a shore line right at the very bottom of the land. The Line had been started by Tom KP, Andy and Ewart, but still didn't go any where. It started with a rising banked corner, before leveling off. The original idea had been to build some kind of step down to finish it, but we decided that you wouldn't be able to generate enough speed to make it work. So after a bit of head scratching we decided on a simple down ramp into a small jump to finish it.
Some time around then, part time Devonian, and (part time!) student Rob H turned up and we got on our bikes and got on with the important job of riding! Rob set about trying a different, and faster line into the table top jump, and the fun began.
Ewart on the opening corners of the dual track
The remains of another expensive chain
Then once that had been ticked off I set about laying out a Dual (duel!) track, some thing we'd all been thinking of for some time. Basically a dual track is two parallel trails, running right next to each other, with two riders riding head to head to get to the bottom. I sketched something out with a rake, and then we started to ride it to see if it worked properly. Within 5 minuets we were racing head to head! The track was a blinder. With limited space between the trees there were two sections where racers are forced into the same space, but also have the opportunity to change which line they're racing on. This caused some carnage, but also some great man-on-man, elbows out, death or glory racing!
Then to round off the day, I broke my chain trying to ride back up the hill to the van. (see it's true, bikes shouldn't be ridden up hill!!!!) and we finished off with a quick jump in the slowly growing foam pit.
Ewart and Tom racing the dual track
Rob, kicking up some dirt
Rob really had this line wired, fast, accurate and with the dirt flying!
Tom Trailing a toe through the dual track berms
Ewart test out the foam pit with a front flip, the outcome; we need more foam!