Friday, January 04, 2008

Dawn Patrol

The Dawn Patrol, always one of my favorites. I love the whole 'thing' of a Dawn mission, getting up early, putting in the time and effort, and getting your rewards. Today, Ewart and I left Exeter at 6.30am, to head to Sidmouth to get some surf. We'd done our home work, checked the swell, the wind and the tides, loaded up our gear, and we got our rewards.
It was still dark when we arrived at Sidmouth, but we knew the mission was a success already. Just visible through the darkness and low clouds, dark lines of swell rolling towards the beach, and lines of whitewater peeling across the beach.
We weren't the only ones who'd done our home work, we were also joined at the beach by Rob H, and another lone surfer. But four people is hardly busy, especially when you've got the whole beach to spread out on!
Unfortunately it was too dark for the go-pro camera to really work well, and we didn't have enough time to wait for it to get light, but I got a few pictures, which I've lightened up.

Ewarts first time back in the water since his second shoulder dislocation

Small, but clean and a great way to start your day

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