This weekend saw the annual Gene17 Adventure Paddlers Weekend. A Paddling mini festival based at the River Dart Country Park, near Ashburton on the edge of Dartmoor. The Idea behind the weekend is to bring a load of paddlers together, close to some great white-water, mix with a few inspirational lectures and trip reports, a large dose of alcohol (very large amounts in some peoples case!) and hopefully some rain.
Dave 'dangerous' Carrol and Simon Westgarth
Once again work stopped me from getting out during the Saturday, but I managed to make it down to the Park for Saturday night. The highlight of the weekend. A whole host of lectures from a range of paddlers, about their trips to some wild and un-charted white-water in a range of exotic locations. Plus the chance to catch up with loads of paddlers of a beer or two!
Paddlers traveled from all over the country to be there, and there was quite an impressive turnout.
There was also the chance to have your ears check to see if you had "surfers ear". Lots of people took the oppurtunity to have their ears checked out. Not only was it helpful and informative for paddlers, but the results were also going to be used by the nurse involved for her Msc. I didn't envy her, having to look into ear after ear all night long!
As the beers flowed things got madder and badder! the following pictures can only be looked at and wondered at!
Ewart as a giant bunny. Very disturbing!
Roger as a giant drunk bunny. Even more disturbing!
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