What a great weekend; A rich, full weekend as I like to say. Over the weekend I managed four runs on the river Dart, each one in a different type of Boat. I started off on Saturday with a playboat run down the Dart Loop. The level was good, but just to low for Top wave to be Awesome, and just to high for Triple playwave to be ripping. Bit of a bummer, but good fun none the less. Then I switched to the squirt boat, for my first try at sinking at the 'Breathalizer' seam. I had a few 'so-so' mysteries, but I got my first taste for proper downtime, when I got sucked down into the depths! It really did take my breath away, but I can't wait to get in there again and get some more squirt boat action.
Then on Sunday I had an Upper Dart run with Tom and Andy, again a nice level, a fraction higher than when I ran it last week. Followed by a Loop run Tandem in the Open boat with Louise.
What a great weekend! Great weather, great water levels and great paddling!!
Great Autumn colours on the Loop
Tom and Andy Below Surprise Surprise
Andy, in the meat of EuthanasiaDan and Andy testing new uses for creek boats!