Monday, September 07, 2009

The Posse rolls out; Woodbury mountain biking

Ewart managed to get together a pretty impressive Posse for a ride on Woodbury Common. 9 riders hit the trails led out by Tom K. Tom knows the trails on Woodbury like the back of his hand, and managed to link up all sorts of bits of trail to keep us going for 3 hours! covering just about every square inch of the common!

The posse, mid ride

Tom K hits Jimmy's gap

Tom KP falls foul of the roots, mind you he did only have a back brake!

Tom took us to some of his favourite test pieces, including this steep, rooty and slippery slope. Some riders managed to get down it cleanly, some had a few dabs, and some collided with trees, and fell down it instead!

The roots and trees gang up on Pete!

Mandy hitting up the jump combo

Ed C gets some air time

Ewart, flying, but hanging off the back as usual!
We also stopped for a quick session on a freshly re-dug jump/bombhole/step-up/step-down! despite being a bit of an odd combo it was very smooth to ride.

Kate, on a steep roll-in in the quarry
Then we set out through the gorse bushes, stopping for some fun in an old quarry, and for a chance to pick out a few prickles!
We eventually got back to the cars, three hours later, dirty, sweaty, scratched by gorse and brambles, sore, tidy but very happy!