Friday, March 20, 2009

This weeks surf

I managed to get upto Saunton this week for some surf action. This week has been amazing, weather wise, and so I enjoyed a day of great 2-3ft surf with perfect off shores, and blazing sunshine! What a treat.

Clean lines, off shore wind and sunshine, pure bliss!

When the tide goes out you can't help but enjoy the wide views on the flat beach!

Another great set

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My latest new toy

For years I've wanted a squirt boat, after trying one out in the warm waters of the south of France. For those that don't know about squirt boats, here's a quick run down. Squirt boats are generally made to measure, with just enough volume to be neutrally buoyant when on the water. This means that they are fairly easy to do flat water tricks like cartwheels and pirouettes, but they can also be used to tap into all the energy in eddy lines to make what are known as mystery moves, where the entire kayak disappears underwater. About 8 years ago I had an enigma plastic squirt boat, but it wasn't the real thing, and I didn't use it much, so I sold it. A few chances to get a real squirt boat have passed me by, but I never took them. I first came across this boat about five years ago, when it had been lent to a friend, and I found it fitted me perfectly. But the owner wanted it back and off it went.

My new Bigfoot squirt boat

Then I got a message from my friend Small Robin telling me that there might be a squirt boat available, and when he told me where it was I realised that it was the boat I had tried 5 years before! When I contacted the owner he said he was happy to give it away if it meant that it was being used! So my Squirt Karma is off to a good start. Now I just need the clocks to change and the river Exe to drop so I can start some after work squirt paddling!

Me, five years ago Squirting at RDCP

Harlyn Surf action

I managed to score some more Cornish surf gold this week. With a stiff looking southerly wind I headed to Harlyn to find some clean waves. Once again my efforts were rewarded. I arrived right around low tide, when the waves at Harlyn never look quite as good as they can. So I unpacked the Big Camera and Long lens and tried my best to take some good photos. I got some half decent results.

A small wave throws a lip

As I watched the surf started to get bigger, and the wind stronger, so I headed back to the van, got geared up and hit the water. The waves were classic Harlyn, jacking up fast, going hollow, and then racing away lightning fast, sectioning, or just closing out, all in water about three feet deep!

Another grinding hollow Harlyn wave

The waves kept me on my toes, and while I got my Arse handed to me a couple of times, I also got a couple of really good rides. It was also good to test out my new fins. For years I have just been using cheap plastic fins, that break regularly and flex all over the place. So I finally splashed out and got some good Glass fins. I really noticed the difference, they gave me loads more drive, and grip, which was good when I needed to gun along a wave to out run the section!

The mighty Rush 7'2", and my new fins

First and Last Loop paddle

Last weekend I managed to get a first and last Dart loop paddle in. It wasn't my first Loop run this season, but it was Bens first Loop run ever. Ben is only Nine years old, and has been badgering his dad Rog to go and do the Loop for most of the winter. So after lots of practise on the lower Dart, and with water levels low but paddle able we set off.

Ben running a rapid before Triple Drop

So with me taking point, Ben following and Rog sweeping up the pieces we set off into the great unknown! Ben paddled really well, following my line perfectly down the rapids. Ben managed to give Rog and I one little heart stopping moment when he went straight for the only hole on Lovers Leap, but he bounced over the hole and carried on regardless!

Me, having some fun at Lovers Leap

The first problem for Ben came in the shape of the first drop of Triple Drop. Unfortunately a slight miss understanding about the line lead Ben to drop straight into the middle of the hole. A quick spot of un-intended rodeo action lead to a quick swim. But after emptying the boat Ben ran the rest of Triple drop without a hitch.

Rog and Ben below Triple Drop

Bens second and final hitch was provided courtesy of The Spin Dryer. Ben took a great diagonal line across the river and was about to punch into the river left eddy, when the spin dryer wave caught him and flipped him in. Another quick swim and Ben was back in his boat to finish off his run.

Passing under Holne Bridge, Ben completes his first Loop Descent

All in all not a bad run for a Nine year old on his first Loop trip. I was certainly impressed, and so was Rog, and Ben realised why Dad had been putting off the trip for so long! Ben can almost roll in a pool at the moment, so with the summer to practise he may well make a few more Loop trips next season!