The usual peace and tranquility here at 3rider towers has been rudely disturbed this week by the arrival of a loud new bouncing Bike.
I'm now the proud owner of a Mongoose Khyber Elite, with a few extra upgrades. I bought it second hand, but barely used. The previous owner, worked in a bike shop and had too many nice parts and other bikes to play with. The front forks have been barely used, because he changed them for something else, and it sports almost new camo Sunn MTX rims on Hope Pro2 hubs, and some carbon Avid juicy brakes. All in all not a bad little freeride bike for me. It features some lovely marzocchi 55 forks with 160mm travel up front, and a Marzocchi Roco R rear shock putting out something like 6.7" of travel at the rear.
I've only given it the one quick ride at Haldon so far, but it handled everything very well, and it made a great change from being rattled around on the Hardtail.
My new Mongoose KhyberMy Trusty DMR will now handle all the hardtail duties, like dirt jumping, and the odd bit of 4X stomping. It's a great bike and I love the way it rides, so I'll not be getting rid of it. It'll just live in its Moto Tyres and only come out i the dry!
My good old DMR Trailstar LTAnd as for my third bike, my trusty old GT still keeps on going. I've ad it for around 10 years now. Now in fully rigid hack bike mode. It's been equipped with all the hand me downs, cast offs and junk parts out of the garage, and not a week goes by with out some part coming loose or falling off whilst in use. Frighteningly either the crank arms while going up hill, or any part of the brakes when trying to stop! But it gets me too and from work quickly, easily and it keeps my spanner skills ready.
My trusty, if scary GT hack BikeI don't think I need another bike, I seem to have most bases covered now, and anyway, I don't think there's any space left in the garage.