After sweeping all the trails they were rolling fast, with dry trails and just enough dirt in the corners to keep you on your toes.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Going green at The Mafia
After sweeping all the trails they were rolling fast, with dry trails and just enough dirt in the corners to keep you on your toes.
If you go down to the trails today.....
Mainly because you couldn't find the trails through the 8 foot high bracken, brambles and stinging nettles.
So Sam, Ewart and I set about clearing the trails. Here's a few before and after shots for you.

and below after some gardening

Monday, June 16, 2008
A quick Trip to Decoy
There are a few things worth checking out at Decoy, there is the Huge BMX track, there's the HUGE Dirt jumps, and tucked away there are some sneaky bandit run trails through the woods.

We started off looking for some of the hidden woodland trails. We found a few, they were all fairly short, but a good laugh with tight corners, slippery roots and poor visibility hacking through the deep under growth! But after a while the heat combined with the effort of pushing back up the hill took its toll, so we decided to check out the BMX track.
This berm was vast, and riding a high line was great fun!
The BMX track is stunning, having fairly recently been re-vamped and re-surfaced. Its a full on world class race track, with enormous berms, step-ups, step-downs, pump bumps and gaps. Even just trying to cruise round the whole track was tiring. Ewart challenged me to a race, but neither of us could make it past the half way mark!!! but we enjoyed sessioning some of the corners and pump bumps.
Ewart on a loose and slippery corner somewhere in the woods!
There is also an area of dirt jumps, the main line through the middle of the jumps is Vast. with lips that seemed to be at least 8 foot high and gaps the looked at least double that. However no one was riding them as they are prepping it for a jam in a couple of weeks, hopefully I'll be able to find the time to go along and watch.
New waterproof camera
Life has a few ups and downs, and as some of you might remember I was burgled a few months back. But it's had a bit of an up side (all be it a rather small up!) but the insurance finally paid out, and we now have a cool new Olympus waterproof camera. I've been itching to give it a proper testing, and I finally got the chance this weekend.
With fuel fairly hard to find we took the short trip down to Ansteys Cove in Torbay. The sea was calm, blue and inviting. So Louise and I suited up and took the plunge.
The Beach below Ansteys Cove is now a bit of a no go zone. Some landslips above the beach a few years ago meant the closure of the beach, and with the council un-able to find the money the shore it up they have now removed the walk way that used to lead down onto the beach. Its still possible to scramble onto the beach at low tide, but as the tide comes in it becomes very hard to get off the beach!
But none of that is a problem if your wearing 5mm of neoprene, boots, gloves, fins and goggles! Just jump in and swim round!
Just some of the seaweeds to be seen
The water was very clear for the British coast and there was lots to see. Amazing coloured seaweeds, plenty of fish from tiny see through shoals of fry to big Wrasse, and the occasional stone crab.
A stone crab, this one was too small to be worth eating!
The more time I spend swimming around off beaches and coves in the southwest the more I enjoy it. The water may not be that warm but the sights on offer soon stop you worrying about temperature.