A bit of a back-log from the last week to update, this from last Sunday. Apologise for the poor camera phone pictures, couldn't be bothered with big camera for the day! With the
glorious weather continuing it feels like it's all go at the moment, trying to make the most of it while it lasts, surely the weather will break sooner or later! Sunday saw me hit the bike again for a lot of jump and park action. I started off early with a session at the 'Pots skate park, before it got to busy or hot. I've never really been much of an
MTB skatepark rider, but I enjoy the odd session and it was good to push myself
abit on the
quater pipe. Only to be shown up by some pimply youth on a
BMX! but what the heck, I was having fun!
Then in the late afternoon it was off to the Pines Ridge jumps at
Woodbury with Tom KP and his little
brother Phil.
There's a good variety of drop offs, step downs and small jumps, as well as the main attraction, a huge line of dirt jumps, plus a smaller tabletop and a variety of interesting/sketchy doubles and gaps!
We decided to start off on some to the drop offs. But on his second run Phil head butted the floor, and put a end to our
excitement! he survived with a sore head and a painful hand. So we headed round the corner to the tabletop, and spent much of the next few hours clocking some airtime and smoothing our style.
T om KP over the table at woodbury
Phil gets a good boost out of the tabletop
Tom KP rides one of the smaller drops
Phil with some good hang time
After we were done with Pines Ridge we drove back into
Exeter and had a quick session at the smaller and quieter skate park at
Exeter Arena. It's a simple park, with a multi level jump box, and a small
quarter pipe. Liberally sprinkled with broken glass it kept us focused! We polished off the last of the day light hipping off the jump box, and trying to ride the
quarter pipe. All in all a good long days riding!